Corporate Social Responsibility Statement

rpc international recruitment Ltd is a socially responsible company and has therefore adopted a Corporate Social Responsibility Statement. We make every effort to consider the impact of our business practices on society.  As a consequence, we strive to ensure that what we do, and how we do it, is beneficial to our clients, candidates, employees, communities and the environment.

We believe in giving back and supporting the invaluable work performed by our chosen charities. We do this by either getting involved and supporting the various charities’ activities or by making regular donations to each of the of the following:

Our employees are entitled (and actively encouraged by us) to take extra days paid leave in order to participate in unpaid work for our chosen charities.

The Company no longer issue Christmas Cards but gives a donation to the Help for Heroes charity equal to what it would have cost us to buy and send out the cards

We regularly take part in Charity fundraising events for Breast Cancer Haven Wessex, Wessex Cancer Trust, St James Society and Dave Wellman Cancer Trust.  In addition we support  Clic Sargent and Brain Tumour Research charities.

Consideration for the environment

rpc international recruitment Ltd recognises its obligations to the environment through our services. Therefore we are committed to improving the impact we have on the surrounding environment

Consequently we strive to minimise the carbon footprint of our offices and make them as energy-efficient as possible. 

All computers except our server are shut down at night and we remind all staff to switch off lights and electrical equipment when not in use.

In terms of recycling, we recycle all that we can.

Electronic communication is favoured over paper copies wherever possible thus reducing the amount of internal paper waste.

Internal paper waste is recycled by an arrangement with a national shredding company.

The Executive  Director and Company Secretary acts as the Environment Manager. Overall responsibility for environmental matters rests with the Managing Director, Monica Key.